take your coffee skills to the next level


Learn new skills and advance your your coffee career at Boot Coffees Campus (near San Francisco) with personalized education or certifications from CQI and the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)  in Q Grader, Roasting, Sensory Skills, Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Business Management, and coffee production (with courses at our farms in Panama and partner farms in Ethiopia).


Prime areas of expertise include: supply chain optimization, sensory evaluation, product development, creating cutting edge business plans and building coffee roasting facilities. Over the years, Boot Coffee has consulted hundreds of clients all over the world, from roasting companies and retailers, to exporters, governments and NGO’s seeking specific expertise for international programs. Boot Coffee consists of a small team of coffee specialists with different qualifications and focus areas.

The Best Week of your coffee life

SCA Foundations Week

We promise the most magical week for true coffee enthusiasts. Every day we address a different topic of specialty coffee

This week will help you understand the coffee production chain from seed to cup. It is ideal for the coffee connoisseurs, enthusiasts, or future professionals who want to discover the different fields of the specialty coffee industry.

Specialty Coffee Association certified Premiere Training Campus

Our upcoming courses and events.

coffee courses & events

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