Ethiopian Fine Coffees: new promotion platform for the Ethiopian coffee


Ethiopian Fine Coffees is a collaborative partnership which links producers, exporters and international buyers of Ethiopian coffees, promotes coffee lots and enhances the quality and delivery of these coffees. This new initiative brings together key players of the Ethiopian coffee sector including Ethiopia Coffee Exporters Association, Ethiopia Coffee Growers and Exporters Association, Ethiopian Commodities Exchange, Ministry of Trade and USAID’s Agribusiness and Market Development program.

SCAA @ Boston. Ethiopian Fine Coffees (EFC) will conduct an unparalleled promotion campaign at the upcoming SCAA expo in Boston (April 12-15, 2013) by organizing cupping and tasting sessions through a dedicated coffee laboratory at the expo and by conducting tasting/ education sessions at the booth of EFC.

Promotion Mechanism. Prior to the North American and European promotion campaign, EFC will create a sales catalogue featuring the promoted coffee lots. Samples for the promotion campaign will be made available through the assistance of program partners, producers, exporters, cooperatives in Ethiopia.

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