

Reports & Manuals

Buying and Import Guide for Ethiopian Coffee (2011 – Willem Boot and Daniel Humphries)
Comprehensive report about Yemen (2013 – Camilo Sanchez and Willem Boot)
Manual for Arabica Cultivation (2004 – Michiel Kuit, Nguyen Van Thiet & Don Jansen)
Coffee Farming Manual: From Conventional to Organic (2010 – Oscar Gómez – CRS / Fundesryam)
Coffee Processing Manual for “Denominación de Origen” Coffees (2010 – IICA / Promecafe)
Coffee Exporter’s Guide (2012 – 3rd edition – ITC)
Roaster’s Guide for La Mula Geisha – (2013 – Willem Boot)
Coffee grading handbook (Spanish) – (2018 © Specialty Coffee Association)