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International Market Research

The economic and environmental landscape is changing faster than ever. Companies in the global coffee industry are confronted with shifting market conditions; they are often playing catch-up to be able to meet customer demands to develop and maintain a solid positioning for their coffee products.

This situation is specifically prevalent in the world of coffee producers and exporters. In order to meet the changing requirements of North American and European consumers, roasting companies worldwide have been pursuing -more than ever- an enhanced level of traceability of their entire product portfolio, requiring a suitable re-engineering of their entire coffee supplychain.

Boot Coffee has developed a unique methodology to perform customized market research for internationally operating coffee organizations; from governments of coffee producing countries to exporters and producer associations; from NGO’s to development banks who advise their clients on major strategic pathways.

Are you looking at strengthening the positioning and economic performance of your coffee portfolio? We can help you develop the necessary marketing intelligence, which is the key to developing a long term plan for sustained success.

Past Projects

Past clients include:

CBI (The Netherlands) and governments of Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua; Boot Coffee was hired for an extensive market survey, analyzing the positioning of these countries in the international specialty coffee markets. We also participated in the development of strategic recommendations for the coffee sectors in these countries.

InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB); we performed a strategic review of the positioning of Central American coffee producing countries.

USAID & Government of Ethiopia; our in depth research focused on the export market performance of Ethiopia’s coffee sector.

USAID & Government of Yemen; we collaborated in an extensive market research and strategic analysis to identify the opportunities for Yemen’s coffee sector.

Conservation International; Boot Coffee was contracted to analyze the international positioning of the Peruvian coffee sector to identify the opportunities for cooperatives in the Alto Mayo Bioreserve Forest.

Please email Willem Boot to set up a free consultation to discuss your program requirements.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]