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[fusion_person name=”Kees Kraakman” picture=”https://bootcoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Kees-Kraakman-250×300.jpg” title=”European Trainer”]Kees Kraakman is one of Europe’s top-experts in coffee roasting techniques and profiles. Kees has more than 15 years experience in the coffee industry. As a master roaster, he worked for more than 8 years with Boot Koffie in the Netherlands and as a consultant he has worked with more than 100 companies throughout Europe. Here are the services Kees can provide as a consultant and trainer for your company:

Send Kees an email.


In this video Kees talks about his experience retailing and distributing specialty coffee; valuable knowledge for anyone starting to work in this exciting industry. Learn how you can establish a viable business by creating unique coffee experiences on a limited budget but with plenty of passion.
