Future of Brewing – Xbloom
Hey there!
We are so excited to share our experience with xBloom, a coffee maker that has blown our minds! This amazing brewer produces pour-over coffee just like a professional barista would. It’s truly your gateway to specialty coffee.
We were amazed to see it in action during SCA, it’s like it had taken a brewing course and nailed all the 7 elements of brewing. And the best part? The coffee tastes incredible!
Not only does xBloom brew coffee, but it also uses special whole-bean pods with RFID tags that are sold on its curated marketplace. They are always on the lookout for new coffee roasters/partners to collaborate with. That’s why we decided to organize this event, to introduce you – the Boot Coffee’s students and friends, to xBloom and its amazing potential as a partner. Whether you are curious about this fantastic brewer or interested in exploring a partnership opportunity, we invite you to join us!
During the event, we will be testing one of Willem Boot’s new Panama Finca La Cabra lots on the brewer, so you won’t want to miss it!
Learn more about xBloom – https://xbloom.com/